How to select Spring mattress

Which spring mattress to buy? Do you have to change the mattress and immediately start the search for opinions on mattresses, better memory foam or springs? What choice is better for a double or single mattress? Which one to choose: a classic one with traditional springs or one with pocket springs? And if you want springs and also memory, do you … Read more

How to disinfect a mattress: complete guide

How to disinfect your beloved mattress? It may happen that you have to disinfect a mattress from stains, blood, children’s pee or the simple presence of mites, but how to disinfect the mattress in a safe and perhaps natural way? Every night for many years we sleep in the same bed and therefore with the passage of time it may … Read more

The natural latex mattress: all you need to know

Our guide to the natural latex mattress Are you undecided on which new mattress to buy and are you looking for opinions? Which one to choose between memory foam or springs? Have you thought about latex by considering a natural latex mattress as a double or single mattress for your bedroom? Let’s see together the features of this product to help you … Read more

Slatted base for the double bed

The guide to choosing the best slatted base for a double bed Have you bought or are you buying a new double mattress and you are undecided which slatted base to combine it with? The choice of the network for your double bed depends on the type of mattress (memory foam, spring, latex) and the type of bed, in … Read more

The sizes of different mattresses

The guide for single and double mattress sizes Are you buying a new mattress for your bed base and you are not sure about the measurements? Are you renovating a bedroom and would you like to change the bed base and mattress by trying different sizes? With this guide we will see together what are the standard sizes for mattresses … Read more

How to Select headboard for your bed

Which headboard to choose for your mattress Are you renovating your bedroom and undecided on which headboard to buy? In the meantime, we distinguish between a double headboard, one and a half or single, then all that remains is to disentangle between materials and structure with a very rich offer being able to choose between headboard in wood, wrought iron or container, fabric … Read more

How to choose the mattress if you have back pain?

How do I choose the right mattress for back pain? On the market today there is a great variety of mattresses and, unfortunately, accompanied by this wide range, also a lot of confusion about the materials used and the choice of the right mattress for each of us. In particular, you can choose different types … Read more

How to select the best duvet for your bed!

Introduction We are now at the gates of the winter season and we are starting to air our duvets. But are the duvets / duvets for beds we have in the closet really what we need? Or, if we’re looking for a new goose down quilt, is the one that struck us actually right? In this article we will … Read more

How sleep affects our life

The perception of sleep in history Since ancient times our ancestors had understood how important sleep was in their life. The ancients revered the protectors of the dream sphere to ensure physical and psychological well-being. Today as then, documented scientific research is added to the empirical knowledge of our ancestors, which highlights not only the importance … Read more

The importance of the mattress in promoting sleep

Sleep significantly affects people’s mental health, physical health and well-being. In fact, lack of sleep translates into daily life in loss of productivity in the workplace, exhaustion, greater risk of injury and physical discomfort. Sleeping well depends on a multitude of factors, more or less important, such as stress, lifestyle, nutrition and the consumption of alcohol, smoking and … Read more