How to select a Spring mattresses

Do you want to know how to choose the best spring mattresses? After reading this guide, you will know how to choose the best sprung mattress that suits your needs. We will explore together the characteristics of the product up to the materials used to really enhance your well-being. What are springs and why are they important Springs are perhaps one of the first materials used to make resistant mattresses, able to … Read more

The Cover for your Mattress: fabrics and characteristics

The best cover for your mattress! Almost all mattresses have the option of being unlined. The coverings have latest generation technical features that guarantee a comfortable, thermoregulated rest, protected from bacteria and allergies. The mattress cover is the first part that comes into contact with our body: it is essential that the cover is made with top quality … Read more

How to protect your mattress from Bed Mites: tips, remedies

In this article I will talk about a problem that afflicts millions of people: mites! You will find out what the symptoms are, where they lurk, the tips and remedies for sleeping in a mite-proof bedroom! Mites: what, where, when and why … Mites are microscopic organisms, which often keep us “company” throughout the year. Numerous studies have documented that dust mite … Read more

Bed Linen Options: selection tips

Introduction “Sleep comes with the advancing tide. It is impossible to oppose. It is such a deep sleep that neither the ringing of the phone nor the noise of the cars passing outside reach my ear, no pain, no sadness there: only the world of sleep where I fall like a thud “  A good rest is … Read more

Hard or Soft Mattress: which is the better

Is a hard or soft mattress better? How to choose the right mattress for you Some time ago it was believed that a very firm mattress was good for or even solved the problems of back and neck pain.  Today, we dispel this belief: many medical researches show that problems such as insomnia, back pain and neck pain are due, in most cases, … Read more

When and why should you change your mattress

Introduction In this article when and why to change the mattress: from the right time to do it up to the advice for its maintenance. How long does a mattress last? Are you wondering how long a mattress lasts? It is difficult to answer this question precisely, as the life span of a mattress varies by many factors. Generally, a mattress made with high … Read more

How to choose the best Mattress For Children

Children: our first loyal customers! The mattress for the child’s bed is important that it has certain characteristics: it must guarantee the baby a good rest, as well as support the structure of the body in the best possible way. In this article we will explain how to choose the best baby mattress. For “sweet dreams” it is appropriate: choose … Read more

Buying Mattress Online: pros and cons

The web today has a wide, deep and extensive impact on consumer behavior. In one word: e-commerce. Synonymous with technological progress and, above all, with change in the customer’s purchasing process, e-commerce is a virtual sales space, easy to use. How many buy online today? From a survey emerges that 55.6% of consumers declare that they have had … Read more

Which is the best sleeping position?

Introduction Good posture is essential both when we are awake and when we sleep. Regardless of the positions in which we fall asleep and which we assume during sleep, it is essential that our spine remains in a neutral position, maintaining the natural curves of the body. Here’s how different sleeping positions can affect our rest: … Read more

What is sleep paralysis?

Introduction Has it ever happened to you, during your sleep, to find yourself suddenly awake, as if you were paralyzed? Those who have experienced this sensation do not forget it so easily.Science has given it a name: sleep paralysis, also called hypnagogic paralysis, a disorder that belongs to the category of “parasomnia”. What is sleep paralysis? It is … Read more