How to deal with nocturnal gastroesophageal reflux

Gastroesophageal reflux, as the name implies, is the reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus. It is a physiological event that can occur several times a day, in children as in adults. It becomes a pathological condition and we speak, in fact, of esophageal reflux disease when the ascent of the gastric contents causes symptoms and complications. One of the … Read more

How to Sleep well when you are on vacation

With the arrival of July and August, the time has come for everyone to take a few days off and the holiday is its maximum expression. The word holiday comes from the Latin and means “to be empty and free”. Empty days from work, from studying, from the various daily commitments – in which the rhythms can slow … Read more

Sleepwalking: what it is and why it happens

Let’s say it right away: that of sleepwalkers who, during sleep, would limit themselves to walking, is just a platitude. In fact, during this nocturnal “automatic activity”, there are also those who speak, have sex, paint and even… kill. According to statistics, between 2 and 3% of the adult population would suffer from it. Fortunately, the episodes … Read more

How to get rid of mites from the mattress

What are mites? How do they settle into the mattress? What disturbances do they produce on health? What are the remedies to eliminate them from our mattress? The quality of sleep significantly affects psychophysical well-being. To spend a quiet and peaceful night it is necessary, first of all, to choose a mattress suitable for our needs. Secondly there are aspects … Read more

How many springs must a good mattress have?

How did we go from traditional spring mattresses to pocket springs? What are the benefits of pocket springs? How does the comfort change according to the number of springs in the mattress? Are hybrid mattresses a good solution? From traditional springs to pocket springs The traditional spring mattress consists of a structure composed of steel springs connected transversely, … Read more

How to sanitize the mattress

A series of tips to effectively clean and sanitize the mattress by eliminating mites, bacteria, dust and dead skin residues. Initially, we didn’t think it was important to clean the mattress of the bed where we sleep, but we have found that it can hide a number of health pitfalls, such as the presence of bacteria, mites, dead skin … Read more

Mattress maintenance: tips to extend its life

A series of measures to extend the life of the domestic mattress, whether it is spring, memory foam, latex or equipped with hybrid technology. How to take care of your mattress and make it last longer Use a mattress topper Using a mattress topper right from the start helps to preserve the interior materials. Liquid substances … Read more

Herniated disc: which mattress to choose for a good sleep?

Back pain is one of the most common ailments of modern man. The main reasons are an unhealthy lifestyle, lack of adequate physical activity and the many hours spent sitting while maintaining incorrect posture. If we neglect the initial pains and do not correct bad behaviors, over time the symptoms can worsen and turn into much … Read more

Can a memory foam pillow reduce sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea is a disorder that affects many people and represents the complete or partial obstruction of the upper airways, causing a momentary interruption of breathing. This can cause sudden awakenings with the sensation of choking and other symptoms that impair the quality of rest. Scientific medical progress has led to an in-depth knowledge of this … Read more

Memory Breeze or Memory Foam? Which one to choose?

Memory foam mattresses are among the best sellers because they are very comfortable and able to adapt to the shape of the body, however viscoelastic polyurethane foam by its nature does not offer high breathability and at the same time tends to retain the body color. To limit these problems, ultra-breathable Breeze foam was created. This … Read more