Electric collars to educate dogs proliferate in Spain, but some nations have already banned them due to the possible risks they imply for the animal
These types of devices are used to educate the dogs, with the help of the electrical impulses that they transmit to the neck of the animal and that are controlled through a remote control. However, these devices have strong defenders and detractors. Are electronic dog collars dangerous or harmful ? A recent study, discussed below, warns that these devices may not only be ineffective, but also create stress and anxiety in furry companions.
Electric dog collars: are they dangerous?
It is enough to go around the parks and talk with other owners of dogs to perceive that these devices to educate these pets are proliferating.
This type of canine collars work, their manufacturers explain, because they transmit “painless and gentle” electrical impulses to the neck of the animal , graduated through a remote control. The purpose of these gadgets is to correct unwanted behaviours , such as the dog running away, barking uncontrollably, showing aggression, or pulling on the leash during walks.
Electronic collars want to help dog owners also when there are problems. In addition, not all these animals need this type of device, and positive reinforcement should be chosen, whenever possible, as the first method of educating dogs.
Electric dog collars: do they have risks?
Electric collars have defenders, but also numerous naysayers, and in places like Wales they have even banned them. So are these electric necklaces dangerous or harmful?
The electric collar is one more tool for dog training, not harmful to him, whose use must be responsible , because it is not always necessary. Furthermore, it must be accompanied by positive reinforcement, such as games and caresses.
Although this type of electric dog collars has defenders, it also has strong detractors. The electric collar prevents behaviours in the dog through punishment, but it never favours cooperation, it does not offer any alternative learning and it undermines our relationship with it. In addition, I agree with Karen Overall, ethologist and international reference, who is positioned against electric necklaces because it does not promote the owner’s capacity for reflection.
Electric collars are stressful for dogs
A recent study confirms what many animal lovers already suspected: the electric dog collars can be harmful and cause a significant increase in stress in dogs.
Electric dog collars increase stress and anxiety for the animal, as well as reduce its social behavior with other dogs and humans, scientists say
Dogs that are trained with electric collars are much more anxious, suffer more stress and yawn more; they are also less likely to interact with other dogs and humans.
In addition, the researchers did not find significant differences between what was learned by dogs subjected to electronic collars and those trained with the help of professional positive reinforcement , that is, with edible treats, strokes or clickers . The findings suggest that the use of electronic collars on dogs not only does not imply real benefits in canine education, but also poses a risk to the welfare of the animal.
The use of the electronic collar reduces the welfare of the furry companion . And finally, there are moral doubts . Do we have the right to inflict pain on an animal to modify behaviours that, in most cases, are natural of its species, even if the owner considers them inappropriate?
In other words: shortcuts don’t work in dog education . And, in addition, as in the case of electric collars, they can even be dangerous for the furry companion. Therefore, the advice to teach the dog includes the following ingredients: patience, love, desire to learn together with him and go to a trusted canine educator.