Fear of the vet is a common canine phobia, but it can be reduced with more frequent and enjoyable visits, treats, and other tricks.
The dogs afraid of the vet are few : this type of canine phobia is among the most common, experts say. Dogs that fear visiting the canine doctor will bark, growl, hide and may even relieve themselves in the office, out of fear. But what to do to help the dog terrified of the vet? Seven tricks are revealed below : make short visits to the specialist just to say hello, take care of car trips, offer treats to the animal, get it used to handling at home, calm down ourselves, give it a massage before the visit and, for the dogs more fearful, opt for a home veterinarian .
Is your dog afraid of the vet? It’s not the only one

Some dogs remain petrified during their vet visits. Other dogs bark and growl incessantly in consultation in response to fear. There are those who tremble and seek refuge. In extreme cases, the dog may demonstrate its fear of entering the veterinary clinic with signs, that is, by marking the clinic doors with its urine or feces.
The dogs that feel fear during their medical visits, unfortunately, are not few. It is not strange to find dogs that have developed a fear of the veterinarian.
The fear of the veterinarian is among the most frequent phobias in dogs, along with the fear of noises and firecrackers or the anxiety they feel when they are separated from their owners.
And it is that dogs are not able to understand that this expert is taking care of their health. All they know is that they have to go once or twice a year to a place where they will find other unknown animals, with a strange smell and where they will be manipulated or pricked by hands not always recognized by the furry companion.
But there are ways to reduce the fear of the vet in our four-legged friends. Here are seven tips and tricks that can help.
1. Dogs afraid of the vet: frequent visits and … with treats!
The dog’s fear of the vet can be reduced with more frequent, short and pleasant visits or just to say hello to the canine doctor
The best way to prevent fear of the veterinarian in the dog is to accustom them from its puppy stage. The little ones should go to visit their doctors not only when they have a consultation but, also, it is convenient to make routine visits, with the sole objective of greeting their veterinarian.
But what to do when the adult dog has already developed fear? Short, regular and pleasant visits to the vet will help reduce its anxiety. For this, it is convenient to make an appointment just to weigh the dog or agree with the doctor a visit in which we only offer the furry companion edible prizes. These measures will help you associate entering the clinic with a pleasant moment.
2. Take care of the car trip
For many dogs, the unpleasant experience of visiting the vet begins even earlier – during the car ride to the clinic.
The travel of the can drive , however, can be more relaxing with some tricks simple: choose a system safe anchorage for the dog, offer prizes and caresses and prevent the sole use of the car for the pet is the dreaded visit to the canine specialist.
3. Awards and games
The positive education of the dog implies getting them to relate the experience of the veterinarian with a positive experience. In this sense, tasty edible dog treats can do the trick. Why not offer cookies before entering the consultation and even while we wait in the waiting room?
4. Get used to manipulation
Some dogs that are afraid of the vet also have very little tolerance to being handled. There are dogs and cats that hardly allow being touched , so the veterinary examination is very complicated and the visit becomes a traumatic moment for the animal.
What is the advice? Provide caresses, contact games, hold their paws frequently and offer them love in abundance at home. These guidelines will accustom them to contact and make them see it as non-dangerous.
5. We too calm down
We must also be calm during the visit to the vet, since our nervousness would infect the dog
The dog is not the only one who needs to feel safe and calm at the vet. Their two-legged keepers and human friends (that is, us) also need to be relaxed during the visit: the dogs pick up on our mood, and if we’re stressed, the animal will catch it.
Choosing a trustworthy veterinarian and letting him be affectionate with our furry friend are some guidelines so that the visit to the specialist becomes a more pleasant moment for everyone.
6. Massages to relax the dog at the vet
The dog massages are not just a good experience that narrows the link between dogs and humans. This manipulation, practiced before the visit to the vet, will also make our furry companion feel calmer in the consultation.
Learning to massage the dog is not complicated: the possibilities range from offering a massage to the legs and neck or gently manipulating the spine to stroking the back of the ears.
7. Home veterinarian for the most fearful dogs
Home veterinarians are professionals who come to visit dogs and cats at their own homes. This type of veterinary consultation is usually more relaxing for furry companions, since they do not have to move and will be treated in a family environment.
More and more clinics have home services, although they usually add a small surcharge. Other vets, however, have specialized in offering home appointments. In this case, it is easier to find more competitive prices. The key? Consult, try and choose a trustworthy one that, in addition (important), enjoys the sympathy of our dog or bitch.