How often the bed pillow should be changed

Replacing the pillows regularly not only helps to prevent the accumulation of allergens, but also improves the quality of our sleep.In principle, the pillows of our bed should be replaced every 1-2 years, and in any case when they no longer give us adequate support. In common parlance, there are no distinctions between cushions and … Read more

How and when to clean the cushions: tips to wash and dry your pillow

Even washing the pillows we use for sleeping requires time and dedication and some little care. Here are all the secrets In latex, goose down (for those who have it…), synthetic or foam, the pillow, like the mattress, plays a fundamental role in ensuring a good rest. And, just like the mattress that needs an adequate one-off cleaning, the pillow must … Read more

How to wash and sanitize pillows

Washing pillows is essential for removing dead skin cells, dust mites and moisture. Very often, however, this type of cleaning is completely forgotten, compared to cleaning the mattress, for example. In reality, this is a wash that should not be underestimated: it is advisable to clean the cushions at least every three months. Furthermore, it can happen that the latter turn yellow … Read more

Allergy to memory foam mattress: how to find out

Do you think you are allergic to memory foam? In this article about this material, from what the allergy and the most common symptoms arise. Allergies cause great inconvenience to many people and it is not at all easy to identify the triggering cause. The reaction may be only a slight skin irritation, but sometimes the complaints … Read more

How often should the mattress be turned over?

To increase the duration of a mattress it is necessary to carry out routine maintenance interventions and this includes the periodic rotation of the mattress. Often they are operations performed by hearsay or because it was what we saw our parents or grandparents doing with old spring mattresses. In this article try to explain what are the real … Read more

How to increase stiffness of mattress

To rest well, it is important that the mattress you sleep on is comfortable and suitable for your needs, neither too soft nor too rigid. This way your body has the right support during the night and you can avoid unpleasant ailments when you wake up. We have already seen what to do in case of a mattress that is too … Read more

Is sleeping without a pillow a good idea?

There are those who prefer to sleep without a pillow and those who cannot do without a pillow instead. There are even those who need 2 or 3 to sleep on which to rest their heads. But then… is it better to sleep without a pillow or with a pillow? In this article we will see if sleeping without a … Read more

Neck Pain: 3 practical tips to sleep better

It is natural to blame the pillow or sleeping position when neck pain occurs or worsens in the morning. To try to solve neck pain, some people spend astronomical sums on the latest generation of pillows but this does not improve their problem by one iota. Others, on the other hand, “collect” dozens of pillows without yet having found one that is … Read more

Do temperature and humidity affect sleep quality?

Are temperature and humidity relevant for determining a good quality of rest? A long series of scientific studies, present in the bibliography, highlights its importance. The hours that we should devote to sleep every day are essential to recover adequate psychophysical well-being, so that we wake up in the morning regenerated and ready to face the … Read more

Sleep Better: Insomnia and its remedies

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that affects many people at different times in their lives. But what are the causes of insomnia? Insomnia should not be underestimated mainly because it is often a symptom of other psycho / emotional or physical problems such as anxiety, depression or reflect particular physical conditions such as insomnia during pregnancy or that … Read more