How to get a good night’s sleep

Rest better by removing anxiety and stress in a natural way Today’s rhythms are very hectic for everyone: there is work, children, school and their daily activities. Being able to do everything becomes almost impossible. The thought of having so many commitments and the fear of not being able to manage them could have a negative impact on … Read more

Insomnia in pregnancy

Soon you will become a mother, when you found out the news you almost couldn’t believe it, but that’s it. Your dream of having a family will soon come true. Too bad you haven’t been able to sleep for a few nights and this makes you particularly nervous. After a while you have also begun to understand that … Read more

Insomnia: why it happens and what to do

Do you have frequent nocturnal awakenings? How long has it been since you last had a good sleep? You may not know, but insomnia is one of the main reasons why people visit the doctor throughout the year. Among the most susceptible people are women, especially as menopause approaches, the elderly and people who complain of emotional problems. Fortunately, however, nobody actually suffers from real insomnia, that … Read more

Is sleeping with your head north a good idea?

Can choosing which direction to sleep really improve sleep quality? In this article we will see if sleeping with your head to the north – as suggested by a well-known oriental philosophy – can really facilitate falling asleep and improve the quality of rest. When a hard day’s work ends, everyone’s desire is to go home early, eat a good … Read more

Essential oils for good sleep

Have you recently started suffering from insomnia and are now looking for some natural remedies that can help you sleep? We would say very well, because in this article we will talk about sleep and natural remedies. Specifically, we will tell you about essential oils for sleep and how to use them. Some specific essential oils, thanks to their calming and relaxing properties, … Read more

Is sleeping with the window open a good idea?

No matter how many degrees it is outside or if the noise from the street is deafening, for some people it is essential: they have to sleep with the window open! But does sleeping with the window panes open really make it easier to fall asleep? Especially in winter when temperatures drop, wouldn’t it be better to sleep … Read more

Falling asleep to music: effects on the brain

If you are having a hard time falling asleep in the last period you should try to do it with music. Falling asleep to music helps the mind to relax and indulge in dreams. Sounds strange, right? has even highlighted the positive effects of music on sleep quality. Of course, it must still be said that not all pieces of … Read more

Not able to sleep at night: causes, symptoms and natural remedies

Not sleeping all night is a common problem; according to what studies report, a large part of the world population suffers from sleep disorders such as insomnia, difficulty falling asleep and awakening at night. Not being able to sleep at night is also one of the main reasons why people turn to their doctor for advice or a miracle remedy that … Read more

You are sleepy but unable to sleep – here’s what to do

Do you happen to be sleepy and just can’t sleep? Here’s what to do to fall asleep. How many times have you been sleepy and unable to sleep? If so, now is the time to take action and find a solution to what appears to be a period of insomnia. It will not be the fault of anxiety huh? Whatever the … Read more

Natural Remedies to get Continuously interrupted nighttime sleep

Every night is the same story, you sleep for a few hours and then you wake up and wake up. Your night sleep is continually interrupted and far from being a moment of physical and mental rest sufficient to make you face the activities that await you the next day with the right energy and without accumulating fatigue. Having … Read more