Dogs get as dizzy in the car as people, especially puppies

Dogs get dizzy in the car , just like people. But the dog’s dizziness is more frequent among puppies, since their ears are still immature and they protect them worse from this annoyance. But why do dogs get dizzy when they travel? , What are the symptoms? and what tricks prevent dizziness? This article tries to answer these questions with four tips .
Why do dogs get dizzy in the car?
Dogs get as dizzy in the car as people. Not being used to travel, eating just before leaving or not being calm and relaxed are more than enough reasons. However, ” canine travel sickness is even more prevalent among puppies. The reason is that the ears of puppies, like those of human children, are not yet fully developed. As a result, they are also less efficient when it comes to maintaining a sense of balance.
What are the dog’s dizziness like?
Dogs do not speak, so they cannot warn that they are dizzy. And, in addition, they are experts in hiding their pain. However, there are a number of tell-tale signs if you feel nauseous and want to vomit.
Symptoms of dizziness include inactivity, apathy, anxiety and stress , repeated yawning, excessive panting and drooling, as well as vomiting .
Luckily, there are a few tricks to managing dog sickness during car trips : from accommodating the vehicle for its needs, to using anti-motion sickness medications.
Trick 1. Dogs comfortable with the car
Dogs that get dizzy are often not used to traveling. These animals find the car a strange space. That is why it is so important before leaving to try to familiarize the dog little by little with the vehicle.
The trick is to get her to associate the trip with a positive experience. We can put its favorite quilt and toys into the travel carrier, or in the back area if the dog is large ,. In this way the car will be a more pleasant space for him.
Another tip is to invite your four-legged friend to get into the vehicle from time to time and calmly sniff and inspect it. You can also take short trips, if you have already gotten used to the car.
Tip 2. Offer you a relaxed trip
Relaxed travel is important for the dog. This is why it is so important to walk and play for a long time before starting the trip, as well as to show a calm tone of voice once you get into the car. If the dog gets nervous, and we respond with shouts or an impatient tone of voice, our dog’s anxiety will increase. Therefore, staying calm , lowering the volume of the radio and trying to ignore the howls of the animal, in case it becomes stressed, are keys against the dog’s motion sickness.
In addition, stopping every two hours and taking the dog out to play – carefully and on a leash -, opening the windows a little and trying to make the dog look ahead are other little tips that also reduce its dizziness.
Tip 3. When to eat?
Copious food is not a good travel companion for dogs either, and even less so if they have a tendency to get dizzy. For this reason, experts recommend that before undertaking a long car trip with the animal, it should keep a small fast. Ideally, do not eat for two or three hours before making the trip, in this way at least we will prevent the dog from vomiting.
Tricks 4. Anti-motion sickness medications for the dog
Veterinarians advise against using anti-motion sickness medications, unless these are necessary. The reason is that dogs can get used to these drugs and even create some dependency on them.
The advisable thing is that, before traveling, you go to the canine doctor’s office and consult him about this problem. Only then can the veterinarian prescribe the most appropriate anti-motion sickness medication for the animal . There are three types : so that the dog does not vomit, against the stress of the dog and, finally, those that make the animal doze off during the trip.