Among the characteristics of the Bichon Frize, also known as the curly-haired bichon, its small size (toy) and its beautiful hair stand out. This animal has a playful, jovial and cheerful character. At Petlifey, we explain everything about the Bichon Frize dog breed.
Character of the Bichon Frize breed
The Bichon Frize dog breed has a playful, energetic and very affectionate character. Its great adaptability makes it the ideal pet for children and the elderly.
Very manageable companion dog, the Bichon Frize has an exceptional temperament and great intelligence.
Although it retains a certain independent demeanor, it is actually a very affectionate dog. He likes, and needs, to be in the company of its family to feel fully fulfilled.
It is a pure companion dog whose personality makes it very easy to live with them. It gives few problems to its owner and adapts to almost any lifestyle.
It is perfectly located in a small apartment in the center of the city and also enjoys the beauty of residing in a large country house.
In fact, all she cares about is being able to be around the people she loves, regardless of where they are. On the other hand, he does not tolerate spending many hours alone or living isolated in a kennel or kennel.
This bichon is a perfect breed for people who suffer from some type of allergy, since it almost does not shed its hair.
It does not usually cause problems with the neighbors because it is not excessively barking, so its presence is usually very well tolerated. Even for those neighbors who don’t like dogs.
Also, without a doubt, it is also a perfect choice for inexperienced owners, given its great adaptability and malleability.
Despite its delicate appearance, and the sweetness and humor of its character, this dog is, like most companions, a great guardian animal, lively and attentive.
It warns of the presence of any stranger, although it never does so with aggressive intentions, but only to warn.
And, in general, the curly-haired bichon is a sociable breed that tolerates strangers well and gets along very well with other dogs and even with pets of other species.
With children it maintains a relationship of complicity and extraordinary friendship, and care should only be taken to educate the smallest of the house about the way in which they should treat their dog, with affection, care and respect.
- Energy: Active and vital, likes to do some regular exercise.
- Temperament: cheerful, jovial and playful, it is a sweet dog, with an expressive look and always alert. It is very intelligent and learns very quickly.
- Adaptability: It adapts to living in any environment, but as long as it is close to its family, as it cannot bear loneliness.
- Sociability: It adores its family and is very sociable with children, the elderly, other dogs and even other breeds.
- Health: You may suffer from problems derived from your white and delicate coat
- Longevity: Live well for 12-15 years.
- Utility: company. Its only function has always been to accompany its family.
- Use: companion dog.
Characteristics of the Bichon Frize
Of all the characteristics of the Bichon Frize, its general appearance stands out , which is that of a small and delicate-looking animal.
Although its complexion is strong and chunky, like the pug or pug. Their long and curly hair, very loose and white in color, constitutes one of the main physical characteristics of this breed.
How is the Bichon Frize physically?
Its body is that of a small and robust-looking dog: broad, muscular and somewhat arched, with a slightly rounded rump. The chest is well developed and large in relation to the body. The flanks are raised in the region of the belly.
The head is covered with abundant hair, is proportionate in relation to the body and is longer than the muzzle. The nose is large, round, black and rough in texture.
It has medium-sized, round and dark-colored eyes, as well as the eyelids. Its gaze often retains a puppyish expression even as an adult.
The ears are hanging and covered with curly hair, they look a bit like those of the poodle dog, although they are smaller, less wide and finer. When alert, they roll forward.
Hidden under a thick blanket of curly and fluffy fur, the Bichon Frize’s feet are robust and firm, and the nails are black or of rather dark tones.
It generally has the tail raised and curved over its back, although without actually curling. It is not too long, it is set high and is thickly covered with long hair.
Their hair is pure white, fine and soft, and always forms very loose ringlets. The curly hair, similar to that of a lamb, is the most characteristic feature of this bichon.
In short, it is a famous dog breed with great popular projection throughout the world. The curly-haired bichon is an exceptional companion dog born to brighten the days of its owner.
Their fluffy, abundant and curly hair, of an immaculate white color, with hardly any shedding, and with a texture similar to that of Mongolian goats is, without a doubt, the most remarkable characteristic of this beautiful breed.
Let’s now take a closer look at the Bichon Frize and the breed standard:
Bichon Frize breed standard
- General appearance: it is a small dog, with a noble and haughty demeanor, and an elegant and delicate figure.
- Size and size: small or toy.
- Height at the withers: up to 30 centimeters in both males and females.
- Weight: between 2.5 and 3 kg for both males and females.
- Origin: France and Belgium.
- Other names: Bichon Frize / Bichon á poil frisé / Gelockter Bichon.
- Body: it is a small dog. Its back is broad, well muscled and somewhat arched. The flanks of the animal are raised in the ventral region, with thin skin, which gives it a rather plump appearance.
- Head: well proportioned in relation to the size of the body.
- Skull: although its abundant hair makes it appear round, the skull is rather flattened at the top and longer than the muzzle.
- Muzzle: very proportionate to the rest of the head, it is not thick or heavy, and not too narrow. The lips are thin, and the upper one covers the lower one without hanging too much. The cheeks are not very muscular.
- Nose: round, black, lustrous and somewhat rough to the touch.
- Eyes: they are round, very dark in color, like the eyelids, and of medium size in relation to the face. When looking straight ahead, the sclera membrane (the white part of the eye) is not visible. They are very expressive although never bulging or prominent. His gaze is attentive and jovial, almost mischievous.
- Ears: hanging and provided with long, finely curled hairs. When the dog is attentive, they turn forward, but in such a way that the leading edge touches the skull and does not move obliquely away from it. Extended, the length of the cartilage does not reach the nose, but only half the length of the muzzle.
- Nose-frontal depression (stop): little accentuated.
- Jaws: the teeth are normal, that is, the incisors of the lower jaw are located immediately behind those of the upper jaw.
- Neck: it is quite long, and the dog proudly wears it upright. Near the skull it is round and fine, gradually enlarging until it is inserted at the shoulders. Its length corresponds to a little more or less a third of the length of the body.
- Back: well proportioned, broad with a slightly rounded rump.
- Chest: Well developed, with a pronounced sternum. The false ribs are rounded and do not end abruptly. On the horizontal axis the chest is quite long.
- Forelimbs : seen from the front, the forelegs are straight and well poised. The bones are fine and the shoulders are quite oblique, although not prominent: they measure about 10 cm, the same length as the arms, approximately. The forearms are straight and the arms are separated from the body. His elbows do not drift out.
- Hind limbs: the pelvis is wide and the thighs, broad, muscular and oblique. Legs: They are long and well developed. It carries the hocks well bent.
- Feet: This bichon has compact and robust feet. The specimens with black nails are highly prized, but also very difficult to find.
- Tail: it is set high and generally bends upwards almost touching the back. It is not very long, but its hair is, which normally falls on one side of the back.
- Hair: the coat of this dog is abundant, fine and silky, similar to the hair of a Mongolian goat. It is long, about 7 to 10 cm in length, and curly, in the form of very loose ringlets. It is always pure white.
- Color: pure white.
- FCI Classification: FCI No. 215. Group 9 – Companion Dogs. Section 1 – Bichons and similar breeds.
Bichon Frize puppies
If you are looking for information about the Bichon Frize, it is very possible that it is because you are considering the possibility of adopting or buying a curly-haired Bichon puppy. If this is the case, there are a series of peculiarities that we believe you should know before making the final decision.
Furry, soft, cuddly, and loving, this breed’s puppies look like stuffed animals that everyone would like to cuddle. But at this age its body is fragile, because it is necessary to treat them with great affection and teach the children of the house that they should treat them with care.
When they are little they are very playful and curious, and they try to explore every corner of the home. Therefore you must make sure to protect any site that is potentially dangerous for them.
There can also be “small accidents” caused by these adorable puppies. But it is common, after all they are dog babies. There is nothing that with patience and love can be solved. Also make sure they have dog toys to play with.
It is very important to start the socialization process from the first weeks of the puppy’s life. At this time, your brain is like a sponge that absorbs all the information.
Always with the consent of your veterinarian, it is appropriate for the animal to visit other different places, be exposed to sounds and noises other than those of your home, and meet other dogs and pets. Only in this way will you have a balanced and healthy animal.
The Bichon Frize is characterized by being very cheerful, lively and affectionate, and always being in a good mood. Born to be a companion animal, it seeks to make life more pleasant for its owner.
Education and training of the Bichon Frize
Regarding how to train a Bichon Frize or everything related to behavior problems, you should know that it is a very easy dog to train due to its insightful intelligence, because it quickly learns to perform any type of trick that is taught and it recognizes easily a large number of orders.
But you should also not have the idea that it is such a stable and easy dog that learns and does things on its own. No, it needs to receive a certain attention and clear and precise orders, executed by an owner who always exercises a calm, natural leadership, not forced and without the need to use a position of superiority to impose it.
Well, if the animal is allowed to act at ease, with total freedom, it is possible that it will become somewhat stubborn and tend to disobey, something that is not typical of a breed of such good temperament as this one.
In addition, as with many other companion breeds, if the Bichon Frize is treated too condescendingly, thinking that it is a fragile and weak animal, it can fall victim to the small dog syndrome , and if it is not given adequate care and left alone for too many hours on a regular basis, you can also develop episodes of separation anxiety.
However, for those who consider the curly-haired bichon only as a luxury dog and company, it is necessary to highlight its virtues and its ability to participate in very diverse activities, since, agile and intelligent, it performs perfectly in the version mini agility or flyball and also compete at high altitude in obedience.
Likewise, in recent years it has participated with notable success in experiences as a therapy dog, thanks to its affinity with people and the gentleness in its dealings with the elderly, children and the sick.
Bichon Frize diet
As for how to feed a Bichon Frize, this animal must receive a balanced and healthy diet that provides it with all the necessary nutrients and all the essential healthy fats (omega 3 and 6) and high-quality proteins.
Only in this way can the proper functioning of its organs, its skin and its hair be guaranteed, but without too many calories or saturated fats that lead to a state of obesity, since a fat dog is never a healthy dog.
Fortunately, both on the Internet and in specialized pet stores you can buy quality feed for this type of breed without any problem.
Remember that a dog that is sedentary or that moves little is prone to gaining weight. Therefore, apart from providing adequate daily exercise, you must pay attention to your dog’s diet.
If your pet eats very fast or voraciously, you can divide the daily ration of food in 2 times. And always control the amount of “prizes” or “trinkets” you give.
Health and diseases of the Bichon Frize
As with most companion breeds, and in general with almost all small dogs, the Bichon Frize is a very long-lived dog that can live for more than 15 years, preserving the energy and vitality of when it was young.
It is a breed that has few serious associated diseases, but, even so, there are certain aspects of its health that should be monitored to avoid the appearance of some more common ailments .
For example, its fine white hair, which looks like a cotton ball, can cause allergies or conditions if it is not cared for properly, and since it does not adequately protect the dog from the sun’s rays, prolonged exposure can cause burns.
Likewise, the white color of the coat is also responsible for the fact that some specimens may suffer from skin problems , such as eczema, etc., in addition to making them very sensitive to flea bites and other parasites.
Their eyes also suffer from excessive sun, as they are often photosensitive, and, on the other hand, sometimes there are abnormalities in the tear duct that trigger a constant secretion of tears in the dog, which causes oxidation of the hair of the zone for being permanently wet.
Another weak point of this breed is its ears, since as the ears are hanging and have a large amount of hair, the ear canal is poorly aerated and infections can occur. However, these ear problems can be avoided by adhering to proper hygiene.
Some specimens suffer from knee dislocation, a typical condition of small dogs, and other epilepsy, but in reality the latter is not a generalized disease in the breed.
On the other hand, any sign of dwarfism must be avoided, as it can lead to difficulties in eating, digestive and joint problems, and premature tooth loss. And in addition, the smallest specimens can present fertility problems and have more complicated deliveries.
For the Bichon Frize to remain in good health throughout its life, it is very important to follow good hygiene, nutrition and health guidelines. For example, although it is not an excessively restless and active animal, it does have to do some exercise every day to keep its muscles in shape.
On the other hand, it is convenient to take it to the veterinarian’s office with some assiduity. To be vaccinated , dewormed , weight controlled, and general condition of mouth, eyes, ears, skin and hair checked; basic indicators of dog health.
The veterinarian is also in charge of placing a subcutaneous chip in the animal that helps to identify it immediately in the hypothetical case of loss or abduction of the dog.
Specific care for the Bichon Frize breed

As for how to care for a Bichon Frize and the typical grooming of the breed, it is a high maintenance dog when it comes to grooming and grooming, but all its owners must know how to groom it so that their pet looks beautiful and with the hair in perfect condition.
The grooming and grooming of the Bichon Frize obviously involves a great investment in work, time and money for its owner, but the result is well worth it, so it is inexcusable not to make the effort to take the animal well groomed.
However, as the procedure is not easy to learn, as you have to take classes or receive guidance and advice from a professional groomer or Bichon Frize breeder, owners who are not willing to take on the task themselves, the best thing to do is find a professional you trust to do it.
How to care for the hair of the Bichon Frize?
How to brush a bichon curly hair? As it is a basic and daily routine for the maintenance of its hair, it is very important to get the dog used to brushing since it is a puppy, since these are somewhat heavy and laborious due to the fact that the animal has a double coat.
In the first place, with the brush, all the hair is worked and an attempt is made to locate possible knots or tangles, as well as the presence of an insect or external parasite, or its bite.
Brushing is done from the inside out and in all directions. The paws, ears and the face area can be brushed with the metal brush and in the opposite direction to the natural hairline to accentuate the sensation of volume.
And the body is finished off using the metal comb and trying to give the appropriate volumes to its different areas.
Regarding how often and how to bathe the Bichon Frize, it can be done as a routine task once a month or whenever the owner considers it necessary to make your pet look more beautiful and attractive.
The important thing is to always use a good shampoo, suitable for the color and skin type of this breed. First, the dog is soaped well, but be careful not to tangle its hair to avoid the formation of plaques or tangles, which can lead to having to take drastic measures to undo them.
And you must always make sure that when you rinse it, there is no soap residue left, as this could cause itching, allergies and flaking afterwards.
Once rinsed, all the water possible is removed with the help of the hands and then it is passed to the drying, using a powerful and quality dryer, while the hair is worked with a soft card.
Regarding the haircut of the Bichon Frize, it is very important to have washed and dried the dog well, and to have brushed it properly before starting to trim its hair . Thus, the different body volumes stand out better and, therefore, it is easier to proceed with their arrangement and grooming.
First, the front and rear legs are combed with the card against the grain, trying to make them look full. Then the hair that protrudes from them is trimmed, with the most suitable smooth scissors (curved or flat), to accentuate the tubular and homogeneous impression.
Secondly, the rest of the body is worked in a similar way: with the comb the hair is stretched and then outlined with the scissors, always looking for the ideal silhouette.
Finally, the head is approached, which is always brushed forward, trying to form a kind of balloon that is then worked with the scissors until it is uniform, homogeneous and appropriate to the set achieved in the rest of the body.