The Vizsla dog breed, also known as the Hungarian Pointer, is characterized by being strong, thin and very beautiful. It is a dog with a loyal, affectionate and very energetic character. At Petlifey, we explain everything about the Vizsla.
Character and behaviour of the Hungarian Pointer
In either of its two varieties ( short hair or wire hair ), the character of the vizsla is that of an affectionate, energetic and loyal dog. For them, any occasion is good to show its gentle, funny behaviour and it is a good family companion.
Popularly known as the ” versatile vizsla “, this is one of the dogs shows most elegant in the world. It has achieved great popularity throughout the world thanks to its hunting qualities, but also due to its excellent temperament.
Among its virtues, in addition to a great capacity for work , since it searches, shows and charges at a very high level, its intelligence and ease of learning also stand out , which allow it to participate in many sports and dog activities.
Apart from its good aptitude , its great adaptability and its low maintenance make it a suitable choice for a wide range of families.
The Hungarian pointer is balanced, faithful and easy to train. However, a rough or too rough training, can cause aggressiveness or withdrawal.
Its friendly character makes it an excellent dog for the home and adapts to the most diverse physical environments. It also has a great sense of smell.
- Energy: Active, energetic, dynamic and sporty, you need to exercise daily.
- Temperament: hard-working, always ready and very intelligent, it is easy to train. It is balanced and loving.
- Adaptability: It adapts well to urban life, but prefers the countryside and always needs to exercise outdoors.
- Sociability: It is very affectionate with its owners, of whom it needs continuous contact, and due to its gregarious nature it coexists without problems with other dogs.
- Health: It is a healthy breed.
- Longevity: It can exceed 12 years.
- Utility: versatile. Hunting and companion dog, it is also a good guardian.
- Use: hunting, guarding and company.
The Hungarian Pointer is an easy dog to train, very versatile in hunting, a great family companion and ideal for anyone who wants a strong, hard-working, balanced pet with very little maintenance .
Is it a good dog for an apartment?
The vizsla adapts relatively well to life in the city, but prefers to reside in the country, in a house with a garden. It is not a kennel dog, but it likes to enjoy the company of its family for as many hours as possible.
When it is at home it is usually calm, especially if it is physically satisfied, but as a good sport hunting dog, it is actually a nervous wreck that can spring into action under certain circumstances.
If this excess energy gets out of control and the animal shows some imbalance, it can become louder, aggressive and even biting, which can become a problem if it is lived surrounded by neighbors.
How do you behave with children?
This versatile breed also stands out as a family dog par excellence. It loves the company of people and especially enjoys children, who become a companion and accomplice in its games and mischief.
In any case, the first days it is advisable not to leave the children alone with the dog to observe both. It is also convenient to educate the smallest of the house to respect the space of the dog and make them aware that it is not a “stuffed animal”.
Can you live with other pets?
Its relationship with other dogs is also basically good, possibly because this dog used to work in a group, so that it can be subjected to a hierarchy without significant problems arising.
However, it should only be left alone with pets of other species if it has been used since it was a puppy, as it must not be forgotten that it is a hunting dog.
Therefore, its predatory instinct is very strong, so it is easy for them to think that a rabbit, a bird or a house cat are, in fact, game pieces put at its disposal.
Characteristics of the Vizsla breed
Regarding its general appearance, the vizsla is an elegant hunting dog with an aristocratic appearance, large in size and yellowish seed-colored hair.
Its constitution, rather light, dry and lean (thin), gives a joint image of harmony, beauty and strength.
Let’s see the main physical characteristics of the Hungarian Pointer:
How is the Hungarian Pointer physically?
Speaking exclusively of its body , the Hungarian pointer has a slightly elongated build, with a deep and robust chest, and a harmonious and strong constitution.
The back is powerful, with the upper line straight, slightly arched and descending towards a broad and strong rump. The cross appears well marked.
Its head is moderately broad with a domed top. The muzzle is blunt, with the muzzle straight and truffle large and wide, with color in harmony with the mantle.
The eyes are oval in shape, with the lids close to the eyeball. The look is lively and intelligent. The iris is brown, almost always darker than the mantle.
The ears are set slightly back and mid-height; they are thin, close to the cheek, ending in a rounded “V” shaped tip.
Their feet are slightly oval, with well arched toes and strong brown nails. The pads are strong, powerful, tough, and slate gray in color.
The hair of the vizsla dog is short, dense and without an undercoat, in the short-haired variety; hard, about 2-3 cm and with a thick and waterproof undercoat in the hard-haired variety.
The tail is strong at the start and fine at the tip. In countries where it is allowed, they are usually cut a quarter of their length. In motion, the dog carries it horizontally.
Let’s now see in more detail what the Hungarian Pointer looks like and the breed standard:
Vizsla breed standard
- General appearance: with a rather light and somewhat dry constitution, this dog has a harmonious appearance, combining beauty and strength.
- Varieties: short-haired vizsla (# 57 FCI) and wire-haired vizsla (# 239 FCI).
- Other names: Hungarian Short-haired Pointing Dog / Braque hongrois á poil court / Kurzhaariger Unganscher Vorstehhund – Kurzhaar Vizsla / Róvidszóru Magyar Vizsla.
- Size: large.
- Height at the withers: between 58 and 64 cm for males and between 54 and 60 cm for females.
- Weight: between 23 and 32 kg for males and between 20 and 30 kg for females.
- Origin: Hungary.
- Body: slightly elongated, robust and with well-defined lines.
- Head: it is thin, aristocratic and well proportioned.
- Skull: moderately broad, gently domed, with a delicate groove running from occiput to stop. The superciliary arches are moderately developed.
- Muzzle: it is blunt, not pointed. The muzzle is straight.
- Nose: broad and well developed, it harmonizes in color with the coat, but always in a darker tone.
- Eyes : they are of medium size, gently oval, brown in color, in harmony with the color of the hair. The eyelids are attached to the eyeball and the gaze is lively and intelligent.
- Ears: set at medium height, they are thin and end in a rounded “V”. Short-haired specimens are slightly longer than wire-haired ones.
- Jaws: it presents powerful jaws, with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite.
- Neck: it is of medium length. The nape is very muscular and gently arched. There is no double chin.
- Chest: deep and wide, it has a moderately developed, well-profiled and muscular forechest.
- Back: it is firm and straight. The loin is broad, strong, muscular, and straight or gently arched, with a well-marked withers and a broad rump.
- Forelimbs: parallel, straight, with strong bone structure and good muscles. Shoulders: The shoulder blades are long, sloping back, flat and with great elasticity, well angulated with the arm. The forearms are long, straight and muscular, with powerful bones, but not heavy or coarse. The arms are long and well muscled. Its elbows are close to the body, but not close to it.
- Hind limbs: straight and parallel, with strong bones. The legs are muscular and stringy. They are roughly the same length as the thighs, which are long and muscular. Its knees are well angulated. The hocks are strong, thin and wiry. They are located relatively low.
- Feet: medium and somewhat oval, the toes are arched and close together. The nails are long and brown, and the pads are sturdy and slate grey.
- Tail: set low and thicker at the root. It exceeds the hocks and is straight, with a moderate saber shape when not amputated. In countries where it is allowed, a quarter of its length is cut.
- Skin: it is firm, without wrinkles, and is well pigmented.
- Hair: the Hungarian short-haired pointer has abundant and hard hair to the touch, finer, silky and shorter on the head and on the ears. Lacks undercoat. In the Hungarian Wirehaired Pointer the outer coat measures 2 to 3 cm and the inner coat is thick and repels water. It is shorter, softer and somewhat thinner on the underside of the legs, the underside of the chest and stomach, and darker on the head and ears. It has eyebrows and beards.
- Color: seed yellow tones predominate, with darker ears. Sometimes a small white spot appears on the chest or in the throat, and some white marks on the fingers.
- Movement: it exhibits a powerful, fluid and elegant trot, capable of covering a good portion of the ground thanks to the thrust of the hind limbs. When crawling, it moves with a slight gallop.
- FCI Classification: FCI No. 57 and 239. Group 7 – Pointing Dogs. Section 1 – Continental Pointing Dogs.
Puppies of the Vizsla breed
If you are looking for information on the Hungarian Pointer, you may be considering buying a Vizsla puppy, or better yet, adopting a small furry as a pet.
If that is the case, we believe that there are a number of very important aspects that you have to be aware of before making the big decision and knowing if it is the right pet for you.
First of all, when choosing a puppy it is especially important to always resort to professional vizsla breeders who submit their reproducers to different tests and trials in order to eradicate possible conditions or hereditary diseases, and to produce increasingly healthy specimens. .
There are two varieties of the Hungarian Pointer, one with short hair and the other with wire hair. Both with the same character. The latter is much less common, but even so, it is widespread internationally and has important breeding centers in countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States.
If you already have other dogs at home, no problem, since they get along very well with other pets of their species. In general, the Hungarian pointer worked in a group, so its relationship with other congeners is usually good.
The same does not happen with cats, birds, rabbits or rodents. Because its natural hunting instinct makes you see them as prey. If you accustom the puppy to make yourself small in their presence, it will get used to them and will see them simply as companions.
It is a dog that needs its daily dose of exercise. It is not enough to take them out for a walk to relieve themselves. It needs to be able to run, jump, sniff … otherwise it can become somewhat nervous and lead to behavioural problems. It is not a suitable dog for families or sedentary owners.
From a puppy it is convenient to start the socialization process. This is, and always under veterinary supervision, should not always be at home. You must know other places, other sounds and other dogs and people.
In this way, when it is older it will not be a fearful or anxious dog in these situations, since it will be used to them from a very young age.
Being a very intelligent and disciplined dog, together with its need to expend energy, the vizsla dog can participate with a good level in agility, flyball or obedience competitions. A good option, since apart from exercising, you socialize and educate yourself.
Of course, they should not be physically forced too much in their growth stage so as not to overload or damage their joints, muscles or skeleton. All in perspective.
Education and training of the Hungarian Pointer
Expressive, affectionate and very intelligent dog, the Hungarian pointer is easy to train, even to reach the highest levels of demand, but for this it needs constant mental stimulation, because if it is not bored and in that case it is easy for them to become lazy and stubborn.
This can, therefore, requires a solid and firm natural leader who exercises this leadership in a decisive manner, without making concessions, although always with a sufficient left hand and without having to resort to overly coercive methods.
Therefore, it is not the ideal choice for inexperienced owners, since it requires a well-organized work and a training plan as varied as possible, something that can only be done by a person with some experience or a professional dog training.
As a sporting and working breed that it is, to be physically and mentally fit, the Hungarian Pointer has to do a lot of exercise on a daily basis , with no excuses.
Typical leash walks are not enough for them, but should be given the opportunity to run freely, jump, chase tracks, track, play and put all its muscles into action, even in the case of dogs that are not comfortable. engaged in hunting.
If it does not exercise, then it becomes a very nervous, irritable and reactionary dog – unexpected, which can lead to certain problems of coexistence.
In the event that you want to dedicate yourself to hunting, it is interesting to know that among your most outstanding skills are the sample, the perseverance in following the trails, the collection, the ability to compete in obedience, agility or frisbee , and even its good performance as a guard dog.
Vizsla breed diet
The obesity is a problem that affects quite a vizsla dog breed. Like almost all of them nowadays, so to prevent its development it is very important to take care of the physical condition of the animal and the quantity and quality of its food.
This dog should have daily exercise sessions adapted to its age and condition, and taking extreme control of its weight and the quality of its diet, since only in this way is adequate muscular and skeletal development guaranteed.
Fortunately, at present, the main manufacturers of dog food have feed or kibbles specially designed for the demands of the Hungarian Pointer breed .
They can be purchased in establishments specialized in animals and pets. You can also buy dog food comfortably from your home online.
Vizsla health and diseases
Robust dog, full of life, strong and active, the vizsla has a very outstanding healthy appearance and has a fairly high longevity index, since there are many specimens that far exceed 12 years, the average lifespan of the breed.
Despite being a very healthy animal, it is also exposed to some diseases. One of the main health problems in the breed is the incidence of hip dysplasia, a rather limiting condition in a working dog and so closely linked to hunting and sport as this one.
There are also sporadic cases of allergies and skin problems, especially in short-haired specimens, but not so frequently as to be significant.
In any case, it is recommended that you visit the vet at least twice a year. It will be the professional in charge of monitoring your health and growth.
In the same way, the vaccination calendar and internal or external deworming programs will follow. It will also put the identity chip on you, in case you don’t have it.
Specific care of the Vizsla breed

As for aesthetic care, it is so simple that it is almost non-existent, since its type of hair, both in the case of specimens with short hair and in those with wire hair, only requires a good weekly brushing , with the help of a chamois or a good bristle brush.
As for the bath, it is only necessary to bathe the Hungarian pointer when the dog is really dirty with a suitable shampoo for dogs. As a general rule, if it is kept seemingly clean, the vizsla can be bathed every 5 to 6 months .
Apart from this, it is advisable to regularly check and clean the dog’s ears. Since being a “lop-eared” dog, they do not air like those of other breeds.
You should also pay attention to the growth of their nails, and if necessary, proceed to cut them. If you don’t dare or don’t know, you can take them to the vet to do it.