We often underestimate the importance of a good, restful sleep. Being able to rest well during the night has a strong influence on the well-being of our body and mind. In short, about our life in general.
Can’t sleep well? Have you ever been unable to sleep because you can’t find the correct sleeping position? Or waking up with back or neck pain? These are the typical examples of lack of rest because the position was not the correct one for sleeping well.
The correct sleeping position: to each his own!
It is possible to correct one’s habits, especially if the latter are the cause of insufficient and poor quality rest. The correct sleeping position doesn’t have to be the same for everyone, but there are some that are generally more recommended. Let’s see them below:
- Supine position (belly up): certainly among the best, because the body is in perfect axis and there are no twists of the body or even worse of the neck.
- Fetal position: on the right or left side it does not really matter, this position remains one of the most natural and restful, in which the curves of the body are perfectly in harmony. A tip: you shouldn’t go to sleep with a full stomach but if that happens the correct sleeping position, in the fetal position, is on the left side of the body, to prevent gastric juices from flowing up the esophagus.
- Supine with one leg bent: this position is also correct for sleeping. It allows to unload part of the weight from the back to the legs.
To avoid is the position on the stomach, because it arches the back in the lumbar area and causes the annoying aching pain that we feel at the end of the back. The neck also assumes incorrect positions.
What if the correct sleeping position is not found?
It is really essential to rest well and you cannot replace proper rest with nothing. The most important thing to rest well? Find the correct sleeping position! What if the correct sleeping position is hard to find? Then the variables can be different, let’s see them together.
The most common problem when you don’t rest well may be the mattress you sleep on. A mattress that is too light and soft leaves ample room for the body to assume positions that are too flexible and this is not always a benefit, especially for the spine. Conversely, if the mattress is excessively hard, the back could be affected in case of hernias or spinal deformities. An expert will be able to advise you on the best support to rest and most importantly, to find the correct sleeping position.
At first it may seem difficult to put these tips into practice, but you just need to try and listen to the reactions of the body. For example, when we wake up in an incorrect position we try to rearrange ourselves in a correct way. We can also notice that when we wake up we feel tensions or aches in the neck, jaw, shoulders or back; it could be nerve tensions that lead to a constant contraction of muscles, tendons, joints. In this case it may be appropriate to act directly on these tensions, with appropriate natural remedies, such as lime tree!