Do you declare war on the pillow every night? Do you often find it difficult to fall asleep, or do you wake up too early in the morning? If sleeping has become a nightmare and you’re sick of staring at your bedroom ceiling for hours, it’s time to discover and test for yourself the most effective sleeping herbs.
In fact, there are many plants that counteract insomnia, and represent an excellent 100% natural solution to sleep disorders, a valid alternative to synthetic melatonin.
Plants that counteract insomnia naturally
The plants that can help you fight sleep disorders and naturally find a good sleep / wake balance are: Escolzia (Eschscholzia californica), Hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha), Valerian (Valeriana officinalis), Chamomile (Camomilla matricaria), the Asperula odorata (Galium odoratum), the sweet orange (Citrus aurantium), the hops (Humulus lupulus), the lemon balm (Melissa officinalis), the Poppy (Papaver rhoeas), Passiflora (Passiflora incarnata), Willow (Salix alba), Lime (Tilia tomentosa), Lavender (Lavandula spica) and Verbena odorosa (Lippia citriodora).
Herbs for sleeping: which ones to choose?
There are so many plants that promote sleep! Which to choose?
Yes, you are right, there are really a lot of them, which is why we indicate below the three which, in our opinion, are the most effective. As for the treatment of other ailments, always choose them in the form of titrated dry extract (instead of a simple pulverized plant or herbal tea) as it is richer in active ingredients.
Finally, all plant extracts are more effective if they can work in synergy (for this reason we do not recommend the mono-ingredient, i.e. the food supplement based on a single plant).
Here are the three sleeping herbs that will become your best allies for a deep and restful sleep :
- THE ESCOLZIA. She is the queen of sleeping herbs: we mention her first for her remarkable sedative and sleep-inducing properties. This plant native to North America is distinguished by its beautiful orange flowers. Escolzia extract has a hypnotic effect and is recommended in times of severe stress or mental fatigue, for sleep and gastro-enteric disorders.
- VALERIANA has relaxing, sedative and sleep inducing properties. This plant is particularly recommended for reducing stress levels and counteracting anxious states. Naturally promotes relaxation: Valerian is really effective in inducing sleep.
- The LIME is a plant native to Northern Europe, widely used in ancient times in sacral rituals: it was also recognized as a symbol of good luck for the love of a couple. Beyond myths and legends, its inflorescences have relaxing properties that act on the nervous system, mitigating tensions, with a relaxing effect.
Do sleeping herbs work? How are they taken?
If you take these plants in herbal tea form, they can help you on evenings when you feel a little nervous or stressed. If, on the other hand, you don’t sleep well and want something more effective, choose them in the form of a natural supplement.
Read carefully the label of the products that you find in herbalist’s shops or in online natural remedies stores: take these plants in the form of titrated dry extract, the only one that guarantees a certain and defined quantity of active ingredient, thus allowing a concrete effectiveness.
Take them continuously for a full month, in the evening before going to sleep. To really benefit from herbs for sleeping, we recommend a 100% natural supplement, in vegetable capsules, which contains these three plants in the form of titrated dry extract: it improves the quantity and quality of your night’s rest.