A series of measures to extend the life of the domestic mattress, whether it is spring, memory foam, latex or equipped with hybrid technology.
How to take care of your mattress and make it last longer
Use a mattress topper
Using a mattress topper right from the start helps to preserve the interior materials. Liquid substances that are accidentally spilled on the surface, but even sweat alone, could cause serious damage over the years. In addition, I suggest regular cleaning to remove dust and skin cells that attract mites and other parasites.
Be careful to use a vacuum cleaner on memory foam mattresses, as excessive power could damage the viscoelastic foam. Let’s not forget to wash the mattress protector about every 2/3 months.
Rotate the mattress
Many models of the latest generation are characterized by only one side of use, so there is no need to overturn them. In other cases, it is a good solution to turn the mattress over every few months to take advantage of both sides equally.
Some manufacturers only suggest periodic rotation of 180 degrees, so as to have more uniform deterioration. In any case, it is advisable to consult the instruction booklet or contact the seller to find out if the mattress can be overturned or rotated.
Sanitize the mattress
Initially we didn’t think cleaning the mattress was important, but we found that it can hide a number of health pitfalls, such as the presence of bacteria, mites, dead skin residues or simply dust.
In the past we thought that to have a good level of hygiene it was enough to wash sheets, blankets and pillows, but that’s not the case. This is because, being microscopic in size, mites and bacteria have no problems crossing the fabrics until they settle and accumulate on the mattress.
Currently the simplest system to sanitize the mattress is the use of a mattress beater with a UV lamp, in essence it is an aspiration system equipped with an ultraviolet lamp capable of destroying bacteria and viruses.
Your slatted base also ages
Not only the mattress is subject to deterioration, but also the spring bases or with wooden slats wear out. Any damage to the structure or the simple loss of elasticity affect the duration of the mattress.
This is not to say that when you buy a new product we have to replace the entire bed. However, it is a good idea to check the compatibility of the structure with the chosen model and periodically check the integrity of the frame and support base.
Add a topper
Attaching a memory foam or other material topper can extend the life of the mattress. The additional layer improves the support of the spine and avoids sinking into the depression that has now been created in the mattress.
Don’t jump on the mattress
It seems trivial or the classic reproach of the mother to the child, however it is good to avoid stresses in a single point with considerable weight. Mattresses are designed for the purpose of accommodating the body and evenly distributing pressure and not for bearing weight concentrated in a very small area.
A further step in extending the shelf life is to avoid sitting on the edge of the mattress for prolonged periods. This expedient is more effective in spring models which, right on the edge, have less resistance.
How many years can your home mattress last?
Pocket spring mattresses tend to last longer than traditional spring models. The latter, also called open spiral, lose most of their properties around 7 years of life, compared to about 12 years of a mattress with pocket springs.
If on the one hand models with traditional springs offer very economical prices, on the other we consider that the greater expense for a mattress with bagged elements will be amortized by a longer duration.
Memory foam?
In general, memory foam mattresses last as long as other types, or around 7/8 years. However, models made with the latest generation viscoelastic foams can even exceed 10 years.
However, it is important to always pay close attention to the sensations transmitted by the support once the next 7 years of use, so as to understand when the first signs of wear begin.
Natural latex mattresses have good durability, but over time they may crumble and lose small pieces. Also in this case the actual longevity depends on the quality of the material. The best and most expensive models guarantee the retention of characteristics for up to 8 years.
Higher price = Longer life
In mattresses, the high price is still synonymous with quality, something that is debatable in other types of products. The difference between an economic model and a high-end one remains significant, affecting the quality of rest and duration. We have seen poor quality mattresses sink after only 2 years of use.
Therefore, in my opinion, it is worth investing a few more bucks and securing a comfortable support to replace after ten years, rather than making savings choices and being forced to make a new purchase sooner than expected.
How to know when it’s time to replace the mattress
Each of us would like to buy a mattress only once in a lifetime, also because choosing a new model that suits our needs is often a real challenge.
Like any other product subject to wear, the mattress also deteriorates over time and this affects the quality of rest. According to some studies, a mattress should be replaced after 7 years of use. However, leading companies in the sector have estimated the average life cycle of a good quality product to be 10 years.
Net of the aforementioned times, there is no mathematical rule with which to establish the effective duration of a mattress. The reason is the presence of innumerable factors that affect the progressive yielding and loss of elasticity of the sheet.
Type of support (memory foam, latex, pocket springs, etc.), body weight and resting position are some of the elements that make the longevity of a mattress quite variable.
The first clue that suggests saying goodbye to the old mattress is a clear and constant deterioration in the quality of sleep. This means waking up in the morning still tired and with back and neck pain caused by a misalignment of the spine. The support has most likely lost some of its properties and is no longer functional to our way of sleeping.
Sometimes it is enough to check the surface of the mattress to notice the formation of hollows and recesses. In practice, the support has taken the shape of the person over time, causing the body to sink instead of maintaining the correct alignment between the legs, pelvis and shoulders.