Do you have frequent nocturnal awakenings? How long has it been since you last had a good sleep? You may not know, but insomnia is one of the main reasons why people visit the doctor throughout the year. Among the most susceptible people are women, especially as menopause approaches, the elderly and people who complain of emotional problems.
Fortunately, however, nobody actually suffers from real insomnia, that is a total lack of sleep, but what we normally mean with phrases like “I can’t sleep” is that: either we have difficulty falling asleep, or that even if we fall asleep effortlessly, we wake up shortly afterwards to spend the rest of the night rolling over in bed in the throes of constant nocturnal awakenings.
In this article we will see why insomnia and nocturnal awakenings occur and everything you need to do to improve the quality of sleep and leave the nocturnal awakenings behind. You will see that if you can follow my advice for some time, you will no longer wake up in the morning with the terrible feeling of not having slept at all, but you will soon be full of energy to face the new day.
The cause of insomnia and nocturnal awakenings
Many people who suffer from insomnia and nocturnal awakenings are convinced that they cannot sleep because they are unable to detach their mind from their daily thoughts. In most cases these people are right. The cause of their difficulty in sleeping is stress, which for many can be experienced as a real obsession, felt not only at bedtime but also during the day.
All the thoughts and emotional tensions that we live and accumulate during the day, due to work, study or personal relationships, are a real obstacle to peaceful rest. An obstacle that, at least for our well-being and balance, we would do well to remove. Although understand that it is not an easy thing to do, especially for those who, negative emotions are used to keeping them within themselves. When we are stressed in our body, the levels of a hormone remain high, cortisol, which if produced in large quantities even in the evening, alters the physiological sleep-wake cycle, making falling asleep an almost impossible task!
What happens when you don’t sleep?
Insomnia, especially if it lasts for a long time, is a real threat to our general well-being. A few days without sleep are enough to become irritable, nervous, tired, listless and above all unable to stay focused on what you are doing or should do, with a consequent decrease in work performance as well.
Not to mention the fact that insomnia is one of the factors of premature aging and the decline in immune defenses. In practice, the less we sleep, the more we become exposed to attack by free radicals and diseases. For this it would be better to run for cover as soon as you realize the problem and contact your doctor.
Natural remedies to get rid of stress and go back to sleep
As you read earlier, in the absence of other obvious reasons, such as taking medications or certain types of diseases, the cause of insomnia and nocturnal awakenings is to be found in stress. The first thing to do then to go back to sleep is to face it and overcome it. Learn to bring out all the worries that afflict you during the day, externalize them and deal with them, because if you don’t, know that they will come to see you at night, punctual as clockwork, the moment you decide the time has come to go to bed.
If after making a few attempts you realize that that recurring thought just does not want to give up, you can try to free yourself from emotional tensions and stress using natural remedies.
The dry extracts of Griffonia, Giuggiolo, Lemon balm and Hawthorn, 4 plants known to promote relaxation, normal mood and mental clarity often put to the test by daily stress and tensions. You can try them alone or take advantage of their synergistic action in the composition of Relax Mind, a 100% natural supplement indicated to overcome the periods of insomnia associated with generalized anxiety.
Compared to the usual Relax Mente Salugea treatments it is neither addictive nor addictive, and can be used during the day, because it does not give you absolutely drowsiness, but will only give you that calm and serenity you need to better face the phases of daily life, work, study, home, relationships …
How to deal with insomnia and long-standing nocturnal awakenings
If insomnia and nocturnal awakenings are a long-standing problem, you could be accompanied in the warm arms of Morpheus by Valeriana, Escolzia, Luppolo and Tiglio, useful in this case to counteract the hateful awakenings in the middle of the night. 1 or 2 capsules of their titrated dry extract are enough to promote relaxation and promote a rewarding, deep and regenerating sleep, just like what you were looking for!
The natural remedies to sleep well do not end there, because to sleep well you also need to know what are the rules that must be followed to sleep well. Habits that you find in the following paragraph.
10 good habits before sleeping
To sleep well in addition to eliminating stress, there are also other small things, or if you prefer habits, that you must follow if you no longer end up being a victim of insomnia and nocturnal awakenings. They are simple, but very important, let’s start immediately with the first:
- Stay away from the bedroom until you feel really tired
- Avoid heavy meals in the evening for dinner, but try to eat light meals like chicken, fish and vegetables.
- Never take work to bed with you. A good book, yes, but work absolutely not.
- Try to set regular times by waking up and going to sleep at the same time every time.
- If you feel tense or tense in the evening, try to relax with some meditation or breathing exercises, they will help you find your calm.
- Prepare a cozy resting environment, perhaps using some essential oil or soft lighting.
- Avoid physical or mental strain before bed
- If you can, take a warm bath before bed, the heat and steam will help make you feel much more relaxed.
- Limit the number of coffees during the day
- Before going to sleep, avoid the use of smartphones and tablets, their light hinders the normal production of melatonin.