How do I choose the right mattress for back pain?
On the market today there is a great variety of mattresses and, unfortunately, accompanied by this wide range, also a lot of confusion about the materials used and the choice of the right mattress for each of us.
In particular, you can choose different types of mattress: from the most rigid model to the most welcoming, from the most ergonomic to the classic.
As mentioned before, there are now many models of mattresses, different from each other in terms of height, material, coverings and padding. Precisely for this reason it is right, in order to choose the suitable mattress, to consider some important criteria:
- the weight and height of the person who has to use the mattress are the starting point for establishing the most appropriate degree of rigidity;
- stiffness preference: this parameter is totally subjective as it depends on personal taste;
- way of sleeping: on your stomach, on your side or on your stomach;
- anti-mite and antibacterial treatments: these pluses allow for perfect hygiene and a healthy environment free from impurities.
To each person his own mattress
There is no mattress suitable for everyone but there is a mattress suitable for each of us based on how we are, how we like to sleep, what we are looking for.
Do you sleep on your side? It will be necessary to have a mattress that is not too rigid but on the contrary, which welcomes the shoulder and the side.
Do you have back pain and neck pain? You definitely need a mattress that can accommodate your body.
For years, doctors have advised people with back pain to sleep on firm mattresses, even putting a wooden board as a support for the mattress. however some research dating back to the early 2000s has shown that this type of mattress increases pain. The mattress that is too rigid, strongly recommended in the past, is not suitable for relieving muscle soreness.
The right material to fight back pain
As far as back pain is concerned, to date, there is a latest generation material, memory, which brings numerous benefits to our body and above all to our always “bruised” lumbar area.
Memory is a thermosensitive material that is sensitive to heat: this allows the material to adapt perfectly to the body, offering a pleasant sensation of comfort, well-being and relaxation of all the muscles.
In particular, the memory mattress ensures that:
- the vertebral column is in the correct position that is straight;
- the shoulder-pelvis pressure points are attenuated;
- let the mattress adapt to us and not us to the mattress.
Memory is therefore the most recommended material for correct posture and to prevent and relieve pressure points. The layers of memory have a thickness that can be 3, 5, 7 cm and are available on both a soft and foam base.
So memory .. but memory together with springs or memory foam mattress?
There is no single answer to this question. The answer depends on the perception you prefer and your needs:
A spring base, since the springs are empty inside them, certainly allows a greater passage of air and therefore better breathability than the foam base, which although it has a high porosity, is a “full” material. The springs are therefore recommended for those who always have a high body temperature and prefer a cooler sleeping environment and above all for those who want to feel the support of the spring (mattresses that have springs are always more supported than those that do not). The spring base, on the other hand, is abandoned by those who do not like the “bouncy / bouncy” effect typical of the spring.
The foam base allows to support by evenly distributing the weight on the surface of the bed and therefore offers a “stable effect”, and not dynamic like the springs, of the support. They are an excellent option for those who sleep on their backs, for those who are bedridden for a long time of their day (anti-decubitus function) and for those with an electrical network.
Some tips to follow in case of back pain
A back pain can also be combated or alleviated with appropriate behaviors and precautions. We illustrate some of them.
- Get in and out of bed slowly, paying particular attention to the exit, in order to avoid back strain.
- Combine the mattress with a good slatted base, possibly with adjustable slats.
- Keep a pillow between your knees if you sleep on your side.
- Keep a pillow under your knees if you sleep on your back.
- Sleeping on your stomach is not recommended.
- In the evening before going to sleep, and just in the morning, do a light stretch.
- Strengthen your back muscles, possibly following a program prepared by a specialist.
- Pay attention to lifting weights, even the lightest ones, using the correct techniques.
- Don’t stay in bed longer than necessary: Many psychologists and orthopedists argue that this can be counterproductive to both sleep and back problems.
- To move from lying to sitting, the correct maneuver is as follows:
- approach the edge of the bed, turn on your side orienting your knees towards the edge of the bed from which you will get off;
- take your feet over the edge, letting your feet and legs drop towards the floor;
- at the same time bring your body into a sitting position by giving you a hand with your arms;
- take three deep breaths, trying to relax the muscles of the body as you exhale;
- bending the knees, lift up onto the feet without straining the back.