Are temperature and humidity relevant for determining a good quality of rest? A long series of scientific studies, present in the bibliography, highlights its importance.
The hours that we should devote to sleep every day are essential to recover adequate psychophysical well-being, so that we wake up in the morning regenerated and ready to face the day.
Therefore the time devoted to rest must be of absolute quality. In this sense, it is crucial to use a mattress suitable for our habits and physical characteristics. Furthermore, we must not underestimate another factor, namely the environmental conditions of the bedroom.
It is this last aspect that we will analyze below, trying to understand what is the ideal temperature and the correct percentage of humidity for a comfortable and relaxing rest.
What is the ideal temperature for sleeping?
The temperature inside the bedroom is an element that significantly affects the quality of rest. All of us will have experienced a sleepless summer night due to suffocating heat or struggling to fall asleep due to excessive cold.
Net of personal preferences due to a greater aptitude to better endure heat or cold, there are some general rules to be respected in order not to have problems during rest. Specifically, it is good not to forget that:
- Having a temperature that is too low can increase the difficulty of falling asleep. In particular, if inside the room the thermometer shows a value of 12 ° C or lower, it will be really difficult to spend a pleasant night.
- With temperatures above 24 ° C, you are likely to spend most of your time tossing and turning in bed.
- Scientific studies have shown that an ideal temperature must be between 16 ° C and 18 ° C. For many of us it may seem too low, but in reality in the course of the evening our temperature already tends to drop naturally just in preparation for sleep.
Obviously in winter it is much easier to respect the aforementioned limits. If by any chance we feel cold using a heavier blanket or duvet, rather than turning up the thermostat.
By doing this we will enjoy a healthy sleep and at the same time save money on the gas bill. In summer, the situation becomes more complicated because outside it can even exceed 30 ° C and inside the house it is easy to reach high temperatures.
The use of an air conditioner in the bedroom is often an obligatory solution, however the air conditioning that is too strong is certainly not healthy and not tolerated by many people. As explain shortly, in these cases it is advisable to adequately exploit the dehumidification function (present in all air conditioners) to make the air drier and reduce the temperature actually perceived.
If we don’t have a digital thermostat in the bedroom, using a smart wifi thermostat. Furthermore, remember that infants and the elderly feel cold in a different way than a young / middle age adult, so they need a temperature a few degrees higher.
How does the humidity of the air affect the quality of rest
Another element that has a strong link with sleeping well is the percentage of humidity in the bedroom. Too dry air causes difficulty in breathing, resulting in a stuffy nose and dry throat. The consequence is a disturbed sleep with constant awakenings. Furthermore, the presence of slightly humid air can cause dryness of the skin and favor the onset of respiratory diseases.
If, on the other hand, the air is excessively humid with a percentage greater than 70%, molds that are harmful to health can form and an environment favorable to the proliferation of dust mites is created.
An ideal percentage for a healthy and restful sleep should be between 30% and 60%. So it is important to have a hygrometer or other device that can measure the humidity in the air.
Remember that the percentage of humidity affects the perceived temperature, a fundamental aspect to fight the heat in the sultry summer nights. For example, if we have an air conditioner, it is sufficient to take advantage of the dehumidification mode to lower the humidity below 60%, perceiving an immediate benefit and without the need to introduce cold air into the room.
In any case, it is advisable to have a humidifier / dehumidifier or an air purifier that integrates these functions, so as to be able to intervene to vary the percentage of humidity according to needs.