The web today has a wide, deep and extensive impact on consumer behavior. In one word: e-commerce. Synonymous with technological progress and, above all, with change in the customer’s purchasing process, e-commerce is a virtual sales space, easy to use.
How many buy online today?
From a survey emerges that 55.6% of consumers declare that they have had an online shopping experience at least once.
These are the purchasing preferences: from specialized e-commerce sites, to those where you can buy and sell both new and used goods or services, up to those of large commercial chains that also have traditional physical stores. In a minimal part, however, the consumer makes purchases on sites dedicated to purchasing groups that allow, through coupons, to buy goods and services at discounted prices.
The reasons for purchasing online are mainly linked to the lower prices charged online, the possibility of comparing prices, the wide choice of products. Other important factors certainly concern the possibility of buying when and from where you want. Before buying online, you should be informed above all by visiting the official website of the manufacturer or by reading reviews on specialized sites.
In addition, serious companies that sell online also have specific and interactive blogs dedicated to the people of the web.
How many don’t buy online these days?
Instead, 44.4% of consumers declare that they have never bought online. These are the main reasons:
- the impossibility of trying and touching the desired product with hand;
- lack of trust in online sites;
- lack of interaction with the sales consultant;
- the fact of not having an Internet connection;
- the difficulty of taking the product away immediately, once the purchase has been made;
- fear of leaving your credit card information;
- the fear that the product arrives damaged or in any case does not conform to the description on the site;
- the idea that it can be complicated to return the product in case of dissatisfaction.
In any case, even for those who do not buy on the Internet, the network has assumed a fundamental role of “guide to purchases” that are intended to be carried out. 54.9% of consumers state that they have searched for a product on the Internet before purchasing in a traditional store.
In conclusion, is it better to buy a mattress online or offline?
Considering the importance of the mattress in terms of body rest, sleep quality and recovery of energy spent during the day, our suggestion is to buy it offline, perhaps by relying on professionals in the field of good sleep.
This is also because it is important to know the ” history of the mattress “:
- who makes them
- where they are produced
- the type of raw materials used.
- Furthermore, being able to lie down on the mattress and feel the sensations it offers, getting advice from experts on the most suitable product for the specific need, drastically reduces the risk of making a wrong purchase.
- delivery made by skilled transporters appointed directly by the company
- withdrawal
- disposal of the old mattress.
- Furthermore, a company oriented towards complete customer satisfaction also has an attentive after-sales service, ready to respond to every customer need and request.
However, for those who prefer online shopping to traditional, we suggest:
- always read the product data sheet carefully and carefully, not being fooled by the low investment (polyurethanes such as memory foam are nowadays also sold at very low prices, to the detriment of quality);
- check that the production;
- verify that the product has been made with selected, certified and top quality materials;
- make sure about the delivery conditions and any withdrawal or replacement of the purchased product.